- Méziane Aite (engineer at Theranexus)
- Geoffroy Andrieux (PhD, Menrt from UMR IRSET SeRAIC).
- Andres Aravena (PhD, CMM Chile). Currently assistant professor in Turkey.
- Oumarou Abdou Arbi (PhD, Matisse-UR1). Currently associated professor at univ. Maradi, Niger.
- Aymeric Antoine-Lorquin (PhD, Matisse-UR1). Post-doc at Inria Lille.
- Arnaud Belcour (postdoctoral fellow ANR SeaBioz, former PhD MathSTIC, funding=INRIA, defended 2022-10-21)
- Charles Bettembourg (PhD Région Bretagne & Inra-Pegase; Post-doc, CNRS – ANR Mirnadapt). Researcher at SANOFI.
- Célia Biane (post-doc, INRIA). Data Science Researcher at Oncodesign
- Pierre Blavy (PhD, ASC Inra). Research Engineer at INRA Paris.
- Matthieu Bouguéon (ARED, also member of the IRSET Dymec team). Defended 2023-12-21. Postdoctoral fellow, University College London Cancer Institute
- Lucas Bourneuf (PhD, Matisse, financement UR1). Defended 2019-12-17
- Nicolas Buton (MathSTIC, funding=UR1). Defended 2023-10-18
- Marie Chevallier (engineer, CNRS). Now in industry.
- Guillaume Collet (ANR Idealg). Director of studies at Epitech, Rennes.
- Mael Conan (engineer, was a PhD student BioSanté-UR1 and member of the IRSET Dymec team). Defended 2021-03-23
- Jean Coquet (PhD Matisse-UR1). Post-doc at stanford.
- Victorien Delannée (PhD Région Bretagne & ANSES metagenotox). Post-doc at NIH, Washington DC.
- Olivier Dennler (PhD BioSanté-UR1, and member of the IRSET Dymec team at IRSET). Defended 2022-12-19. Post-doc at University College Dublin
- Aurélie Evrard (post-doc, INRA-Agrocampus Rennes). Currently researcher at Florimont-Desprez.
- Clémence Frioux (PhD student and then research scientist, CNRS, Idealg). Currently Junior Scientist, INRIA Bordeaux team Pleiade
- Maxime Folschette (post doctoral researcher, univ Rennes 1). Post-doc in Nantes.
- Gaëlle Garet (PhD Région Bretagne/Inria).
- Clovis Galiez (PhD Inria CordiS). Assistant professor, Grenoble INP.
- Xavier Garnier (engineer, INRA, and then ADT Inria). Currently engineer at Nahibu.
- Nicolas Guillaudeux (PhD MathSTIC, funding=UR1. Defended 2021-12-16)
- Yann Guitton (CNRS ANR Idealg). Responsible of the metabolomics platform at laberca, Nantes.
- Claudia Hériveau (ADT Inria Bioscience Ressources). Moved to GenOuest ressource center.
- Vijay Ingalalli (post doctoral researcher, INRIA). Now in industry.
- Camille Juigné (Egaal, funding=INRAe+Brittany). Defended 2023-12-01
- Virgilio Kmetzsch (PhD IPL Neuromarkers, with Olivier Colliot. Defended 2022-09-26). Research scientist at Owkin
- Julie Laniau (PhD inria CordiC).
- Marine Louarn (PhD student on a joint INSERM-INRIA grant, defended 26 november 2020 and then ATER during 2020-2021). Currently postdoctoral fellow in Paul Pavlidis’ lab, University of British Columbia, Vancouver)
- Marc Melkonian (PhD BioSanté, with Gwenaël Rabut at IGDR, currently doctor at Vannes hospital)
- Laurent Miclet (professor, emerite, univ Rennes 1). Retired.
- Léo Milhade (engineer, CNRS phenomir project)
- Jacques Nicolas (senior researcher, inria). Now in the Genscale team.
- Vincent Picard (PhD Matisse-ENS Rennes). Teacher in “classe préparatoires”.
- Sylvain Prigent (PhD Matisse-UR1). Permanent researcher at INRA Bordeaux.
- Olivier Quenez (Engineer, ANR FatInteger). Engineer at CHU Rouen.
- Michel Le Borgne (Assistant professor, Univ Rennes 1). Retired.
- Corentin Raphalen (engineer, CNRS prolific project)
- Denis Tagu (senior researcher, INRA, IGEPP center, was an associate member until 2023)
- Hugo Talibart (research engineer, was a PhD student MathSTIC-UR1. Defended 24 february 2021. Postdoctoral fellow at Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle)
- Sven Thiele (post-doc, Inria, Chilean CIRIC center). Post-doc at Max-Planck institute in Madgeburg.
- Kerian Thuillier (PhD, MathSTIC, funding=CNRS). Defended 2024-09-27. Postdoctoral fellow at Laboratoire Méthodes Formelles Saclay
- Camille Trottier (engineer, IDEALG, also member of the COMBI team@LINA)
- Santiago Videla (PhD CNRS-ANR Biotempo). Sabbatical year.
- Méline Wéry (PhD MathSTIC, CIFRE IRISA – Sanofi). Defended 16 december 2020. Now research engineer at SFR ICAT (interactions cellulaires et applications thérapeutiques), Angers
- Pierre Vignet (PhD INCA, also member of the IRSET Dymec team)
- Valentin Wucher (PhD Région Bretagne & Inra-IGGEP). Post-doc in Barcelona.