Cécile Beust

Cécile Beust

PhD student, Univ. Rennes


Dyliss team, Irisa / Inria Rennes-Bretagne Atlantique,
Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France.
Email: cecile.beust@irisa.fr or cecile.beust@inria.fr
ORCID: 0009-0008-3660-7855

Personal pages:


PhD subject : Knowledge-guided rules for generating context-specific views on a knowledge graph: application to biological networks

Supervized by: Emmanuelle BeckerOlivier Dameron and Nathalie Théret

Keywords: Systems Biology, Knowledge graphs, Data Integration, Biological networks


  • 2023-2024: TP UE Data, Sciences des Données , Licence 2 ISTIC – Univ. Rennes
  • 2023-2024: TP UE Informatique, Licence 1 PCSTM – Univ. Rennes


  • DYLISS team representative in the DKM (Data Knowledge Management) department of IRISA
    • Organization of seminars


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