Kerian Thuillier

Kerian Thuillier

PhD Student, CNRS

Dyliss team, Irisa / Inria Rennes-Bretagne Atlantique,
Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France.

Email: kerian.thuillier{at}

About me

I am a PhD student in Computer Science of Anne Siegel and Loïc Paulevé working in the Dyliss team at IRISA (Rennes, France).
My interests include modeling problems in bioinformatics, and constraint-based programming (Answer Set Programming, Linear programming).


Supervisors: Anne Siegel (Dyliss / IRISA, Rennes) and Loïc Paulevé (LaBRI, Bordeau)

PhD subject: Scalable inference of Boolean rules controlling hybrid models of multi-layer biological systems

Keywords: Boolean network, hybrid system, Answer Set Programming (ASP), linear programming, system biology


  • Kerian Thuillier, Anne Siegel, and Loïc Paulevé (2024). CEGAR-Based Approach for Solving Combinatorial Optimization Modulo Quantified Linear Arithmetics Problems.  Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38(8), 8146-8153. [paper, pdf, git]
  • Kerian Thuillier, Caroline Baroukh, Alexander Bockmayr, Ludovic Cottret, Loïc Paulevé, and Anne Siegel (2022). MERRIN: MEtabolic regulation rule INference from time series data. Bioinformatics, Volume 38, Pages ii127–ii133. [paper, pdf, git]
  • Kerian Thuillier, Caroline Baroukh, Alexander Bockmayr, Ludovic Cottret, Loïc Paulevé, and Anne Siegel (2021). Learning Boolean Controls in Regulated Metabolic Networks: A Case-Study. In: Computational Methods in Systems Biology. CMSB 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12881. Springer, Cham. [paper, pdf, git]

Oral communications


  • (2021-2022): Algorithms (TD), Licence 3, ENS Rennes
  • (2021-2022): Logique (TD), Licence 3, ISTIC – Univ. Rennes 1
  • (2021-2022): Modélisation et Algorithmies des Graphes (TD), Licence 3, ISTIC – Univ. Rennes 1
  • (2021-2023): Recherche Opérationnelle (TP), Master 1, ISTIC – Univ. Rennes 1
  • (2022-2023): Programmation 1 (TP), Licence 1, ISTIC – Univ. Rennes 1


  • [2021 – 2023] IRISA: Organization of the DKM department‘s seminars and annual days
  • [2023] ROADEF: Organization of the session: Recherche Opérationnelle en Bio-Informatique (Operational Research in Bioinformatics) with Rumen Andonov and Victor Épain

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