Yael Tirlet Greiner

Yael Tirlet Greiner

PhD student, Univ. Rennes

Dyliss team, Irisa / Inria Rennes-Bretagne Atlantique,
Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France.
Email: yael.tirlet@irisa.fr
ORCID: 0009-0008-3713-2142


Phd subject : Integrative method for multi-omics data analysis with application to the activation and regulation of an endogeneized viral genome in a parasitoid wasp

Supervized by: Emmanuelle BeckerOlivier Dameron and Fabrice Legeai.

Keywords : Multi-omic data integration, Semantic Web


  • Data : Science des données (DSD) : March – Mai 2024
    • Licence 2 Informatics, 24h TP, ISTIC – Université de Rennes
    • Statistics, Programming in R
  • Projet Personnel et Professionnel de l’étudiant (3PE) : March – Mai 2024
    • Licence 1 Informatics, 9h TP, ISTIC – Université de Rennes
    • How to effectively use LibreOffice to format documents

Previous Experience

  • Bioinformatics Research Engineer : November 2022 – April 2023
    • INRAE, UMR STLO 65 rue de Saint Brieuc, 35000 RENNES
    • Improvement and Completion of a Bioinformatics Tool for Predicting Bacterial Consortia of Interest
    • Keywords : Metabolic Networks, Prokka, Pathway Tools, Eggnog Mapper, Askomics Software Suite


  • LCLC (“Elles Codent, Elles Créent”) : https://lclc-rennes.irisa.fr/
    • Teaching Computer science and Python to middle school girls through creative programming





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